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v7 migration guide

Major Changes / Breaking Changes

  • we have dropped support for es5 transpiled output
    • we target es2015 for our transpilation now
      • swipeable utilizes object/array spread & const/let natively
  • preventScrollOnSwipe - "new" prop. Replaces preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent
    • same functionality but renamed to be more explicit on its intended use
    • fixed bug - where toggling this prop did not re-attach event listeners
    • update - we now only change the passive event listener option for touchmove depending on this prop

Typescript changes

  • Added a ton of comments to the types that should now show up in IDEs.

Migrate Swipeable v6 to v7

If you you're currently utilizing preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent you should be able to simply replace its usage with preventScrollOnSwipe.

const handlers = useSwipeable({
- preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
+ preventScrollOnSwipe: true,